• Welcome to AVYS Engineering Private Limited

About Us

AVYS is a leading consulting organization specializing in highways, bridges / structures, airports, buildings, urban and regional infrastructure development, water supply, water resources development and management, traffic and transportation, ports and tourism, institutional strengthening and capacity building, and, socio-economic and environmental impact assessment.

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Solid Waste Management

Solid Waste Management Projects

Solid Waste is generated by industrial, commercial and domestic activities are often indiscriminately disposed and its unscientific management thereafter leads to environmental and health hazards. The problems are already acute in cities/towns/industrial estates, as the disposal facilities are not keeping pace with the quantum of wastes being generated. With the burgeoning population and indifferent civic services coupled with wasteful consumerism and general apathy for cleanliness, the symptoms of strain on the environment and on our living conditions are conspicuously evident in many areas.
AVYS has provided Waste Management services to a broad range of clients worldwide including India ranging from small industrial estates to large towns. We at AVYS recognize waste management objectives i.e. Reduce, reuse and recycle technologies and to use integrated Solid Waste Management techniques for collection, disposal and treatment.


  •  Urban Roads
  • Expressways
  •  Rural Roads
  • Bridges
  •  Retaining Walls
  •  Tunnels
  • Mass Transit
  •  Railroads
  • Airports
  • Ports & Ports Facilities
  • River Transport / Inland Waterways


  •  Education
  • Low Cost Housing
  •  Healthcare
  • Bridges
  •  Research
  • Residential
  • Sports
  • Recreational
  • Food/ Beverages
  • Industrial
  • Information Technology Commercial


  • Socio-Economic Surveys
  • Social Assessment
  • Social Resettlement & Rehabilitation Plan
  • Agriculture & Rural Development
  • Mine Waste Management


  • Mining Planning
  • Geological Investigation/Mapping
  • Mineral Investigations
  • Statutory Mining Plans
  • Mine Closure Plans

Water Resources

  • Irrigation
  • Fisheries
  • Locks And Dams
  • Flood Control - Storm Drainage
  • Rain Water Harvesting
  • Power
  • Ground Water Recharge


  • Water Supply
  • Waste Water & Sewerage
  • Municipal Waste
  • Industrial Waste - River & Lake Cleanup
  • Air Quality - Environmental Management Plan
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
  • Comprehensive Environmental Impact Studies
  • Water Quality